Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pay for Play by Roderick, Devante, Channing

Should college football players get paid for their talent? Well, students, regardless their situation, should all get treated the same but there are those who feel as if collegiate athletes should get paid for their talents. After all, they do put people in the seats during the games however that should not determine the reason for any student to get paid unless they have a part time job. Tuition, room, board and books were compensation enough. All that should be free with their scholarship nothing more, nothing less. No other financial benefits should be included nor should be tolerated with any student athlete by any means.

Although most collegiate athletes get paid under the table it is illegal and unfair to other collegiate athletes who are treated as normal students without any extra incentives such as the production or merchandising of their jerseys and other items worn by them in their athletic events. Most only say to pay people who actually make the school money such as the big star athlete but that would leave a lot of players angry and jealous stirring up a lot of unwanted attention to the program.Most college football programs award their football players for making it to postseason play such as bowl games they usually award them with xbox’s six hundred dollars a plasma screen television and more not to mention if you win the game you still get rewarded with a ring that is at least worth three hundred to four hundred dollars each the travel is free and most of the publicity that they get helps their chances more to get drafted where they can get paid a large amount of money not to mention the extra money you get from a scholarship comes to you in your refund check so that should be their only paycheck.

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